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LinkedList Interview Questions

1) Print Elements of Linked List

2) Reverse LinkedList

3) Delete a given Element of a LinkedList

4) Delete kth Element from headNode of  a LinkedList

5) Delete kth Element from tailNode of  a LinkedList

6) Detect if a LinkedList contains a Cycle

7) Remove an Element from a DoublyLinkedList

8) Merge Elements of a DoublyLinkedList

9) Create a Cache such that the Elements can be added at Head and removed from Tail, in O(1)

10) Merge K Sorted Lists

K Sorted Linked Lists cab be merged using MinHeap. All the elements from all the K Linked Lists are added to the MinHeap one by one. Create a Dummy LinkedList Node and add all the nodes from the Min Heap to the LinkedList node. Return the Next Node of the dummy Node which becomes the head for the combined LinkedList.
