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Showing posts from February, 2019

Java Productivity tools

Here are the list of Java Productivity tools that help in simplifying the daily life of a developer. Eclipse as an IDE simplifies the development life cycle which has a lots of plugins to support different programming languages and frameworks. Some of useful Eclipse plugins are - Sonarlint that helps to do static code analysis and give suggestions as we go along the development life cycle. JDGUI - Is the Eclipse Plugin that supports the decompilation of the Java application within eclipse, this is very handy when debugging and need to look at the out of the box code from a framework/library. JUnit is the unit testing framework that supports Unit Testing of Java Applications. Mockito is the framework that supports the Mock Unit Testing of the Java Application.

Install Open JDK 10 on Mac

Downloading and Installing Open JDK 10 is easy, and does not need to uninstall the existing version of the JDK. Here are the steps to install Open JDK 10 1) Download Open JDK 10 from 2) Go to the downloaded file's parent folder, and extract the JDK using $tar -xvf openjdk-10.0.2_osx-x64_bin.tar.gz     3) Copy the extracted  JDK to the Mac JDK installations folder $sudo cp -R  ~/Downloads/jdk-10.0.2.jdk  /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ 4) Update, and export JAVA_HOME, PATH in the ~/.bash_profile (or) ~/.bashrc file. JAVA_HOME=" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-10.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home " PATH="$PATH:${JAVA_HOME}/bin" export JAVA_HOME  PATH  5) Source the bash_profile/bashrc file to detect the changes. $ source ~/.bash_profile 6) Open a new Terminal and verify open JDK installation for ja...