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Showing posts from February, 2009

WebSphere Software not installed properly - .nfiregistry and

The installer program for WebSphere® Products use the InstallShield MultiPlatform (ISMP) program to install code. The .nifregistry and files list program components that are currently installed. The file helps ISMP and the installer programs of WebSphere products recognize previous installations of WebSphere products and control options for new installations. Inorder to successfully install a websphere product after uninstalling another version of the same websphere product, you need to remove the .nfiregistry and files( Without doing this the ISMP assumes that the same version of the websphere product exists and does not install the product and completes the process. Location of the .nfiregistry fils on various platforms isThe location of the .nifregistry file varies per operating platform: On AIX® platforms: The root directory /usr/.ibm/.nif/.nifregistry or the non-root directory /.ibm/.nif/.nifregistry On HP-UX platforms: The root dire...